Sunday, June 6, 2010

MCEA Apple Ballot Released

So up on my google alerts for "MCEA" comes Maryland Senator Nancy King's website with this picture embedded of a big ol' apple. Then there is the words from MCEA's website:

The Apple Ballot is what we, as teachers, use to ensure that voters know which candidates we believe to be the best advocates for public schools and public school educators. We know from past elections – and from consistent polling data – that voters value the recommendations of the Apple Ballot more than any other

Don't know much about Nancy King. But it seems to me there is a lot of "we" in those claims when I'm not sure anyone asked, via paper ballot, email, or phone call what my personal opinion on the matter was. Yeah yeah yeah, MCEA is an indirect democracy... but they don't say "MCEA recommended." They say "teacher recommended." And if you're going to make claims about how "we teachers" recommend these officials you think I'd at least get included somehow in the process.

For the complete list of candidates I endorsed without being asked (or for that matter, almost every single other Montgomery County teacher, counselor, and speech pathologist), visit here.

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